Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Twilight Zone: Miss Serensky losing her 100% passing rate
Good god, can I get a break already, if I have to drive one more mile in this I might keel over, which honestly, would not bother me too much, I could use a nap. At this point, I really wish spending the winter in the Keys or something did not seem as far fetched as a solid week of pleasant weather in good ol' Crosby, Maine. This snowstorm just makes me lust for a hot bath and a donut, or maybe a donut and a hot bath, oh I just can not decide! How could I possibly decide when both sound so- *thump*, oh for crying out lo- *thump* *thump* *thump*. I am far too old for this nonsense. Well, unless I want to ride my rim out to the point of extinction I should probably change this abominable excuse for- wait a minute. I do not change tires, Henry always changes the tires, and he left for New York, no, no, no, Olive, pull yourself together, someone will stop. After all, this is only a desolate road, in the middle of Maine...during a blizzard...OH GOD. No, no, stay strong sister, you can- oh, look, headlights, wonderful! "Need a hand, I worked on a pit crew for an amateur NASCAR fan racing rec league, I can get this baby pullin' tread in no time". "Oh my, well thank you darling, I just did not know what I would do had you not stopped"! I graciously replied, although the amateur NASCAR thing seems odd. "So, your name"? I asked. "They called me 'Buckin' Bobbie' back in the pit, but now I go by Joe-Bob, maybe a little bit of Miss Serensky here and there". "Well, what a, pretty name, Joe-Bob" I hesitantly lied, Joe-Bob, I don't even, must be a nickname, so many questions. "So what brings you around these parts, sort of out of the way of everything", I ask, trying to spark conversation over the whipping wind and snow. "Ya see, I teach an AP English class back down in this tiny town in Ohio, and I have a 100% passing rate, well, I DID. I just got the results back, and found out it dropped to a 99%". "Oh dear" I reply, confused. "A 99%, WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE, THEY TRY TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE SOME SORT OF IGNORAMUS UNACCEPTABLE, so I fled the state before I could become a mockery" she yelled with more force than a left hook from Mike Tyson. I stared, shocked, the tire still sat there, the tire iron trembling in Joe-Bob's bitter hands.
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